Structure and Management Board
The General Assembly:
The general meeting is an assembly of delegates. It consists of a maximum of 50 delegates of the member associations of the migrant organizations located in the East German federal states. The migrant organizations with the statutory seat in a federal state elect and send 10 delegates each by joint resolution.
The Board:
The Board of the association consists of 10 persons. All federal states that are members of the association should be represented on the board. The board is elected by the general assembly for three years. The board members remain in office after the expiration of their term until a new election of the board is held. Candidates are proposed by the member organizations. The board works on an honorary basis.
Board Members:
Vorsitzende: Frau Eter Hachmann - Dresdner Ausländerrat
Vorsitzender: Herr Dr. Rubén Cárdenas - Migrationsnetzwerk Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Migranet M-V)
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender: Herr Paca José - Landesnetzwerk Thüringen der MOs MigraNetz Thüringen e.V.
Stellvertretender Vorsitzende: Frau Sandler Diana - Migrations- und Integrationsrat Land Brandenburg (MIR e.V.)
Kassenwart: Herr Emiliano Chaimite - Dachverband der Migrant*innenorganisationen in Sachsen (DSM e.V.)
Herr Mohamed Yahya
Herr Hassan Janser
Herr Fouad Abdallah